Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Economic Meltdown Continues

Even the obscenely wealthy are feeling the recession as it hits hard!

A federal bankruptcy judge says he will appoint an outside examiner to investigate the proposed sale of The Yellowstone Club, following accusations of collusion between the club's owner and its would-be buyer.

The millionaires-only club, now under chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, fell almost $400 million into debt last year after its former owner diverted hundreds of millions of dollars from the enterprise. - More details here


Times has certainly changed for The Yellowstone Club, an ultra-luxurious retreat for the wealthy including Bill Gates and Dan Quayle which was once to be the site of a single home to sell for $155 million. now it is more than $400 million in debt. - More details here


And here I was thinking the shrub and the cabal looked after their 'friends' ... oh, yeah, that's right they don't have any.

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