Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Five things to do with Alka-Seltzer

There's more to Alka-Seltzer than reliving acid and indigestion discomfort. Some are listed below:

1. Deep-clean vases by filling them with a mixture of warm water and tablets; soak them for an hour.

2. Speed-scrub the toilet twice a week by dropping two tablets in the bowl; 15 minutes later, brush with a toilet brush

3. Make an all-purpose cleaner by dropping three tablets into warm water. Once the fizzing stops, the cleaning can start.

4. Safely unclog a drain with three tablets. Drop them into the drain and then run hot water for a few seconds.

5. Build rockets with the kids by filling an empty film canister halfway with warm water and dropping in half of a tablet. Quickly snap on the lid, put down the canister and watch it take off (best if done outside, for obvious reasons).

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