Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Injured good Samaritan ticketed for jaywalking

From the "No good deed goes unpunished" Department:

A good Samaritan who pushed three people out of the path of a pickup before he was struck and injured has been ticketed for jaywalking. Family members say 58-year-old Jim Moffett and another man were helping two elderly women cross a busy Denver street in a snowstorm.

Moffett suffered bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen. He was in serious condition Wednesday.

The State Patrol issued the citation. Trooper Ryan Sullivan told the Rocky Mountain News that despite Moffett's intentions, jaywalking caused the accident.

The other good Samaritan was also cited for jaywalking. The pickup driver was cited for careless driving causing injury.

It's not clear if the women were cited. The patrol didn't return calls.

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