Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Items in the News

... to screw the 'little guy'!

IBM is offering to help pay relocation costs for its laid-off employees -- if they'll move to India, China, Brazil, or other developing markets, and apply for work at IBM offices there.
More on this.

General Motors and Chrysler are using a portion of their bailout billions to sue the Obama administration over his decision to allow California and other states to enact more serious fuel standards.
More on this.

If you use your American Express card at Wal-Mart, they'll recalculate your credit score and possibly lower your credit limit or cancel your card.
More on this.

One of the shrub's and cabal's last-minute rule changes allows drug makers to more easily peddle their medicines for "off-label" -- non-approved -- uses.
More on this.

AT&T passes along fraudulent billing by third-party or fake phone companies, so you might want to check your bill closely.
More on this.

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