Friday, February 13, 2009

Items in the News

Talis Colberg, the Alaska Attorney General who tried to circumvent the ''troopergate'' investigation last fall, has resigned.
More in the Anchorage (AK) Daily News.

After winning a lawsuit over having protesters shot in Africa, Chevron is now demanding legal fees from the Nigerian villagers. They want $500,000. From Nigerian villagers.
More in the Los Angeles Times.

Stewart Parnell, the owner of Peanut Corporation of America, took the Fifth Amendment in non-testimony before Congress, when asked about his personal approval for knowingly shipping out contaminated peanuts. Production at the company's Plainview plant has been halted, after a large pile of dead rodents, rodent droppings, and bird feathers were discovered in the ceiling over the plant's production facilities.
More in the Associated Press.

A federal court says Verizon can't use begging and pleading to stall customers who want to cancel their accounts.
More at CNet News.

The Vatican is evolving, or at least conceding that Charles Darwin may have had a point.
More in the London Times.

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