Friday, February 20, 2009

Items in the News

From the Associated Press news wire:

General Motors corp.'s Swedish-based subsidiary Saab went into bankruptcy protection today so the unit can be spun off or sold by its struggling u.s. parent, officials said.
The move comes after Sweden turned down GM's request for government help for Saab.
More here

General Motors wants another $30-billion from the federal government, and in return GM promises to cut 47,000 jobs. Yes, it's a lose-lose situation, but GM is too big to fail -- everyone says it because it's true -- and $30-billion is petty cash compared to what the government has given to the criminal entities on Wall Street.
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The high-finance industry has sold and re-sold mortgagees at such a fast and furious rate, simply asking to see your mortgage can significantly slow or even halt foreclosure.
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