Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day are:

Meet the Press', Gregory lies saying Social Security will "pay out more than it's taking in by 2010"
That is mathematically impossible (even with the fuzzy numbers the repugicans are so fond of using in lieu of actual numbers).

Dimbulb: the shrub wasn't partisan
Oh, my gawd! Tell me another one, quick!

Faux's O'Really declares war on the New York Times after it calls him out on immigration
And they are quaking in their boots to be sure ... not!

CBO report debunks repugicans' stimulus talking point
It isn't hard to debunk any 'talking point' the repugicans spew ... a hunk of granite could (and probably has or will)

Washington Post's Kagan falsely claims OMB "has ordered a 10 percent cut in defense spending"
Well, that is a bold faced lie.

repugicans turn to Joe the Plumber (who's not a plumber) for economic advice on stimulus bill
Need I say more ...

Expect no penalty for Dick Armey's sexist comment on-air
Probably got this one right, more's the pity.

Wall Street Journal ignores reality in claiming US corporate tax rate "is higher than in all of Europe"
Damn, it must be wonderful in Fantasyland this time of year.

Faux News chooses tax delinquent Morris to criticize Daschle's tax problems
Ok, I get it - the old 'takes one to know one' thing, right?

Steele's uninformed new talking point: No government has ever created a job
If you need more proof he's an idiot read this drivel.

FAUX Business is still misrepresenting the CBO analysis of Obama's stimulus plan
Ok, is this new?

Faux's Brick mocks government acronym that doesn't exist
Thus living up to his moniker 'Brick' as in 'Thick as a ...'

ABC's Tapper ignored CBO report, advanced repugicans' claim that recovery bill is "not a stimulus plan"
Ignoring reality is just standard routine for these bozos.

Washington Times echoes recovery bill falsehoods on undocumented immigrants, ACORN
Again, are you surprised?

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