Friday, February 20, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Washington Post runs George Will's newest column without issuing a correction for his last one
Did we expect them to?

Mal-kin poses for photo with Swastika Guy
Nazis flocking!

National Review has eighteen words to say about New York Post's Obama/monkey cartoon
Surprised they used that many!

Handjob distorts and falsifies Border Agent case to suit his agenda
Again, did we expect anything different?

Politico's mission statement: serve as "key outlet" for DC spinners
Too, bad they're 'key-less'.

Faux News goes into all "socialist" mode as Obama signs stimulus bill
As if, this is news?!

Disney's Savage says "There's only ... one thing left for a woman after her prime of sexual excess and that's radical left-wing politics"
Clueless as ever ...

CNN's Dobbs lies about Employee Free Choice Act
And this is new to anybody, how?

Faux News special pushes numerous myths and falsehoods about Obama and the economic recovery bill
'Staying the course,' I see. The wrong one, but staying it anyway.

Handjob runs ads for fraudster fugitive's company
Status Quo continues.

Washington Times and CNN advance 61-detainee falsehood
Everyone else in the world knows this is a joke.

CBS falsely portrays Stanford swindle as Democratic scandal
FYI - Standford is a repugican.

Faux's Brick lies and claims average UAW worker makes $154 per hour
In who's dreams!

repugicans take credit for the stimulus plan after voting against it
Typical, just typical

Faux Business Network infested by false tale of stimulus bill's salt marsh mouse
Fairy tales and fantasy are all they know.

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