Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Keyes calls for US military to disobey Obama's orders
More treason from the repugicans

Fox's Brick sees America on the road to civil war led by American "Bubba" militias
The war he refers to was averted by the election of Obama - had McPain 'won' there would have been a war.

CNBC's Santelli said the economy was healthy right before it crashed
Denial - typical of repugicans

McConnell (r-Kentucky) still peddling the old repugican lie about small business taxes
One note, one trick dog and pony show ...

Sessions' (r-Texas) office lies claiming he didn't know Stanford
Yeah, and tell us another one ...

Shelby (r-Georgia) joins Obama citizenship doubters, then backtracks
Or at least he wants you to think he's backtracking.

Dimbulb lies saying that taxes on "most small businesses" would increase if the shrub's tax cuts on wealthiest Americans expire
AKA as vulgar pigboy and for good reason

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