Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mom admits making disabled teen son sleep on porch

A 17-year-old with mental and physical disabilities is in protective custody after police say his mother admitted to making the teen sleep on the front porch in a tent in 30-degree weather.

When the mother and her son went to Catawba Family Center for an appointment Tuesday, the mother gave the center’s director a four-page, handwritten letter that said she’d made her son sleep on the back porch in a tent the night before because he’d been banging on the wall and on his bed, according to a Rock Hill police report.

The boy also said he’d been beaten several times, the report states.

The mother said she gave her son a tent, sleeping mats, blankets and a sleeping bag the night she made him sleep on the porch, the report states. The teen was taken into emergency protective custody, according to the report.

Rock Hill police are investigating.


Momma should be horse-whipped! Irregardless of the boy's disabilities no one should be forced to sleep in 30 degree temperatures.

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