Monday, February 9, 2009

Question of the Day

Today's Question of the Day comes from Jim Yeager.

He posted this over at Skippy earlier this morning:
Much has been said about how the republicans have zero ideas, zero vigor, zero vision, zero anything that doesn't involve tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts. yeah, fine. What I want to know is, since everyone who isn't an incurable dittohead now knows beyond question that none of these republicans are worth the $#!+ they spew -- not to mention that $#!+ is all they're made of, have ever been made of, and will ever be made of -- why is anyone still giving them the time of day?

Seriously, is there no holy water or garlic to be obtained in Washington whatsoever? What the f&%k?
Good point and good question, Jim.

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