Thursday, February 5, 2009

Salary Cap or no more money

President Obama drew the line and set a cap for executive salaries or no more bailout funds saing 'we're taking the air out of the golden parachutes'.

This is a great thing and long, long overdue. I would however would have liked to see the Cap set at 50K instead of the 500K - no executive is worth more than 50k a year ... none whatsoever.

In fact the BofA head douche-bag isn't worth 5k much less the in excess of 20Million he is currently getting - which if he wants more money than they have already gotten from the bailout (that they are using to give themselves bonuses and throw outrageous parties with while bilking the poor and working peopl out of every dime they can manage to) he will have to give up ... and this is only one version of the same story being played out in every 'financial institution' (and others) that has gotten bailout monies.

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