Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thief returns stolen car

From the "The truth is often stranger than fiction" Department:

When Wendy Boatwright's car was stolen out of her driveway, the Brentwood resident figured her 1997 Ford Mustang was gone for good. But in a classic case of truth being stranger than fiction, Boatwright's car was inded recovered - but not by local authorities. The rag top was returned by the thief.

"How funny is that?" asked Boatwright, who says she has no idea who the thief is. "Somebody steals my car and then decides it's not good enough and returns is? That's a first for me."

And a first for the Brentwood Police Department as well, When an officer arrived at Boatwright's home to take her report, she admits to being flummoxed. "The officer looked at me and said 'I hope this isn't a joke,'" said Boatwright. "And I thought, 'What is he talking about?' It turns out my car was parked on the backside of my house on a side street. The thief had taken it and then decided he didn't want it, I guess, and brought it back."

Proving that even thieves can be thoughtful, the robber, who had snuck into Boatwright's house the night before and snatched her keg ring, removed the car key and left it on a rock in her driveway along with her emergency roadside kit, presumably after he brought the car back.

But the mystery doesn't end there.

While the officer was taking Boatwright's statement, her neighbor came over and said her car had been stolen, too. The officer intially thought it was just a coincidence that two cars had been stolen on the same street, but when the Toyota Camry was later recovered a few miles away. the suspect was found standing by the white Camry with Boatwright's house keys in his pocket.

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