Friday, February 6, 2009

Twenty Five Things About Me

It's all the rage right now so here goes:

1. I am tall and broad shouldered
2. I am honest and speak the truth -even if you do not like it
3. I am a great chef
4. I am a poet
5. I am dead center politically - though I always err on the side of humans in lieu of corporations
6. I am an Archeologist
7. I am an ordained minister
8. I have several post graduate degrees
9. I am fluent in several languages
10. I am a 'great' grandfather as well as a great-grandfather
11. I prefer dogs to cats
12. I would rather be in the mountains
13. I am Scots (with a dash of Native American)
14. I am one of the last of a dying breed -a true Southern Gentleman
15. I believe in love at first sight - I've seen it happen
16. I am an omnivorous reader
17. I always defend 'the little guy'
18. I am a crack shot with rifle or hand gun
19. I sleep very little
20. I do not drink alcohol of any kind and never have
21. I do not smoke and never have
22. I do not use 'street' or OTC drugs and my doctor says getting me to use prescription drugs is akin to getting blood from a turnip.
23. I love tea - all kinds of tea
24. I love camping
25. I have many hobbies and interests

And that's about it.

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