Monday, March 16, 2009

And now ... the bookkeeper

Now they are going after Bernie's bookkeeper ... his wife.

In a turn for equal rights prosecutors are going after the 'assets' in Ruth Madoff's name.
Bernard Madoff's wife could theoretically claim more than $100 million in assets -- and should forfeit it all, according to federal prosecutors.

the move by prosecutors seeks the court's help in recovering $22 million in Madoff properties, all of which are solely in Ruth Madoff's name except for one $3 million property. it also seeks $62 million in cash and securities in her name, $10 million in furnishings in the properties and $10 million for a yacht and other boats. - More
Of, course, she is whining that she is a 'victim' of her husband's scam. After all these years of demanding 'equal rights' - and getting them - why do some insist they are just the poor female victim of their dishonest male partners when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar?

Also, doesn't she know the bookkeeper always goes to jail ...

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