Thursday, March 5, 2009

Arrests made in mugging of 90-year-old woman

Statesville, North Carolina police arrested four people Wednesday night who are accused of attacking a 90-year-old woman in a mall parking lot.

Police believe they did it for drug money.

Investigators said Tammy Moulder, Phillip Greene, Melissa Link, and Jeremy Melton robbed Pauline Bost outside the Belk at Signal Hill Mall Tuesday.

According to police, a viewer tipped off police after seeing a story Wednesday.

That tip led officers to Moulder and Greene.

By late Wednesday night, all four suspects were in jail.

And the police chief said it’s a relief for people in Statesville.

"Anytime you have a 90-year-old lady knocked to the ground, you have some concerns," said Chief Tom Anderson.

Bost is recovering at home with a broken jaw and separated shoulder.

Police expect more charges against the suspects in the case.


There is a long line formed to assist with the horse-whipping these four deserve as a very livid reminder as to why they are going to prison for a long, long time!

You do not beat up old ladies ... PERIOD!!!!!!!!!

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