Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blackboard Blogging

Seen this on several websites over the past week so I am adding it here.

From TreeHugger:

Liberia blackboard blogger
Image from AfriGadget

The “Daily News” is a blackboard on a major road in Monrovia, Liberia which is run by a fellow named Alfred Sirleaf. Everyday, he writes out the news in neat letters for those who can't afford newspapers, radio, or a generator to run a TV. Mr. Sirleaf might be considered an "analog blogger", and this is how he is changing the world one letter at a time.

What is, or could be so funny about this, is his 'analog blogging' could very well be the future of blogging if anything were to ever happen to the technology the rest of us use. It is a all but forgotten art in this "techno-age".

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