Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blow 'tll we blow

The title of the post tells it all!

You know that AIG buffoon who wrote his resignation letter that was published in the paper last Tuesday?
Response to his letter has been, shall we say, rather colorful to say the least.
One of the best responses I have read has been was this one posted by Skippy over at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo:

dear executives: please fellatiate us until we ejaculate down your throats

richard blair @ the all-spin zone replies to the aig exec who threatened to quit over the bonus fiasco:

dear mr. desantis:

i read your resignation letter to aig ceo edward liddy, which was published in the new york times on my birthday, 3/24/2009. having just turned 55, and being currently unemployed and living check to check, i thought you might be interested in my reaction.

the sense of entitlement that you express is absolutely astounding, and beyond the logical comprehension of a lifelong prole such as myself. you state:

i take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to a.i.g. i can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am i being paid to do so. like you, i was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and i agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid…

excuse me if i don’t choke up with sympathy, mr. desantis. i have no doubt that during your “11 years of dedicated, honorable service”, you were very handsomely rewarded for your efforts, both in salary and past bonuses. i haven’t even googled your name, but i imagine that you live in a very nice home in a prestigious zip code, and that you hold title to at least one or two other vacation homes in equally toney neighborhoods. you probably drive multiple high end, imported vehicles, have multiple tax-sheltered bank accounts and financial instruments, and have never had to make the choice between feeding your family or paying the electric bill or cutting your pills in half to stretch out a medication prescription. it’s probably also safe to assume that you have a hired staff to attend to your family’s many needs and routine, mundane household chores...

if you feel i’m alone in my lack of compassion for your situation, you might want to check out political cartoonist david rees’ opinion:

pay me $700,000 a year, or however much the aig guy whining in today’s new york times made, and you can threaten me with death all goddamn day. because do you have any idea how much money that is??? hell, i’ll let you throw rocks at me. i’ll let you poison my soup. you can slash my tires and spray-paint my driveway. and once i get all that money, i’m totally paying off some student loans and fixing the garage roof and buying some new pants. because that’s an insane amount of money.
exactly. the problem w/wall street (and most of the gop) is that they are totally disconnected from the rest of us and the reality we are forced to live in on a paycheck-to-paycheck basis.

so when we hear about gazillionaires angry because they can't continue to scam money out of the very system they themselves broke, pardon us if we don't cry.

Nuff said.

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