Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bust the Myths That Keep You Fat!

Losing weight is far from simple. Yet the first words chronic dieters say are, "I know what I should do to lose weight - I just don't do it." These women believe diets are like baggy sweat pants - one size fits all - and that means either eating like a gnat or becoming an exercise addict to burn off every calorie.

True, this method can contribute to weight loss - but not for long. The pounds you lose will inevitably return - plus more - because you have barked up the wrong tree when it comes to shedding body fat.

Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 50, you shouldn't think diet, denial or deprivation. DIETS DO NOT WORK. (If they did work, everyone who has ever been on a diet would be lean.) Denying or depriving yourself of your favorite foods also does not work.

Read the rest here.

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