Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Carcinogens Found in Baby Bath Products

Baby bath photo
Photo credit: Getty Images

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble: Babies across America are sitting waist deep in an odious brew of cancer-causing chemicals and other toxins that could be detrimental to their health.

1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde found in popular kids' brands

Of the 48 kids' products tested for 1,4-dioxane, 67 percent showed up positive. The lab also uncovered the presence of formaldehyde in 82 percent of the 28 products it tested. In all, 17 products—including Huggies Naturally Refreshing Cucumber & Green Tea baby wash, Sesame Street Bubble Bath, American Girl Real Beauty Inside and Out Shower Gel, and even Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo—were contaminated with both 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde.

Read more at TreeHugger.

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