Monday, March 9, 2009

Cattle in southeast Texas have high incidence of DNA damage.

Scientists have found a link to large factories that emit toxic substances.

For 200 years, Randy Mumme’s family has raised cattle on the same plot of southeast Texas land. then, about 10 years ago, something began to change. His steers were losing weight. Cows were miscarrying; one gave birth to a calf with three legs. Many calves were stillborn.

The family’s ranching practices had not changed over the centuries, but the environment had: his ranch is four miles downwind of large industrial plants that spew tons of carcinogens and other toxic substances into the air. Mumme and other ranchers in Point Comfort suspect the factories are contributing to the ill-health of their cattle.

Now scientists have found DNA evidence that suggests the ranchers’ suspicions might be true, heightening concerns about their cattle as well as their own health.

Read more here

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