Monday, March 16, 2009

A clean house - 5 ways to fake it

Oh, great.

Your mother-in-law is on her way over (unexpectedly, of course) and your house is an absolute sty. It looks like a bomb went off in the living room and you haven't even had time to empty the kitchen sink.

Don't panic.

Here are five tips from Real Simple to help you fake a clean house in record time.

1. Hide the dishes. When the dishwasher is full and the sink is overflowing, stash dirty dishes and silverware in a stockpot. Shove the pot in the pantry or the oven until guests leave.

2. Light a candle. Everything looks better (and cleaner) by candlelight.

3. Camouflage spots. Drape a clean blanket neatly over a stained sofa. Strategically placed throw pillows can also cover up soiled upholstery.

4. Move laundry. Dump any laundry that needs to be folded into baskets. Place them on the washing machine to be sorted later.

5. Stack books. Pile books neatly on the floor, largest to smallest, next to a chair or a desk. Arrange catalogs and magazines in a deep decorative basket.

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