Friday, March 6, 2009

Dimbulb likened to Pimp

Ariana Huffington likened Lush Dimbulb to the owner/pimp of the Bunny Ranch in Nevada, Dennis Hoff, which is featured on the late night HBO "reality" show "Cathouse" on Monday night during the Rachel Maddow show.

Completely unscripted and unprompted she said:
"Yes. He also looks a little bit like the pimp, you know, in the Nevada brothel, you know, in his black shirt, you know… Dennis Hoff, you know, his black jacket."
... while the ladies were talking about one or another of Lush Dimbulb’s asinine antics.


You know ... if the shoe fits! Also, we now know what Ariana watches on late night TV.
Of course, it is a loose fit ... Dimbulb prefers little boys, not adult women.

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