Thursday, March 5, 2009

"FakeTV" Promoted as Energy-Efficient Burglar Alarm

From Treehugger:

energy efficient Fake TV photo
Light box emulates television to outwit intruders. Photo via Opto-Electronic Design

For anyone who keeps the TV on when out of the house to fake-out potential burglars, now there’s FakeTV. Turn on this gizmo and stop wasting energy by leaving the television on for hours when no one's home--especially with Planet Green on the dial. This light-emitting device replicates the flickering images of a real television while consuming a fraction of the power—only one one-hundredth, claim the makers. Is this really a useful idea, just a clever placebo for peace of mind, or an addition to the "as seen on TV" collection destined for landfill?

Article continues: "FakeTV" Promoted as Energy-Efficient Burglar Alarm

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