Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fly Ash Used To Build Virginia Golf Course Threatens Private Wells

From TreeHugger:

chesapeake-energy center pond photo

Dominion Power, Chesapeake Energy Center

Image credit:Resource International, LLC

With existing fly ash lagoons filling up, the electric power utility, Dominion Virginia Power, helped a golf course developer "build" a course by selling it fly ash to use in the landscaping. The Virginian-Pilot reports this statement from a nearby resident: "They paid people to take it from them, dig up the sand, the good land that we had over there. The developers sold the sand, took the fly ash that Dominion was paying them for and put it in our backyard." Recent test results showed arsenic in groundwater samples taken from the course-area at eight times the municipal drinking water standard. Now, of course, there is talk of a class action law suit.

Article continues: Fly Ash Used To Build Virginia Golf Course Threatens Private Wells

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