Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hypocrisy Has No Term Limit

Vitter Attacks Title X and Planned Parenthood in Omnibus

One might think that a Senator previously caught in a prostitution ring scandal, whose political party simultaneously makes itself out to be the guardians of the national chastity belt, would be a little circumspect about taking actions to limit women's access to basic contraceptive methods and to services that would prevent and treat things like say....sexually transmitted infections.

One might also think that said Senator, whose political party is constantly ranting about the glories of motherhood and against women's right to choose abortion, would be supportive of expanded access for low-income women both to the prenatal and maternal health care services necessary to achieving a healthy pregnancy and birth, and to the contraceptive methods needed to prevent unintended pregnancy in the first place, thereby reducing the number of abortions in the long run.

In the case of Senator David Vitter, one would be wrong.

Senator Vitter apparently has no shame. While he apparently can afford the price of high-end call girl services--and of course then achieve absolution by apologizing for his indiscretions to wife, state, and country--he appears disinterested in making sure low-income women can afford the services they need.

So yesterday, he introduced an amendment to the omnibus spending bill that would prohibit Title X funding from going to Planned Parenthood ...

Read the rest at Reality Check.

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