Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day are:

More wing-nut stupidity: Victoria 'the shrew' Jackson
Somebody just hump her one good time and be done with it.

Arguing for California's Prop. 8, repugican blowhard Starr says any right can be taken
How about my Right to plant my foot in his stupid ass?

Walker: Texas Ranger claims thousands of right wing cell groups exist and will rebel against US government
Sedition pure and simple.

Faux's Brick says stem cell research will spawn search for "master race"
Spoken like a true NAZI.

After calling Democrats Bolsheviks, comrades, etc., CNBC's Cramer wants everyone to stop with ad hominem attacks
Don't like it when you're called for what you are, huh?

Let's take a look at Jim Cramer's recent disastrously-wrong predictions
How this fool could ever call himself 'right' is beyond any reason.

Jindal's bizarre response to Obama speech is further debunked
You have now entered the 'the Twilight Zone', excuse me, the Jindal Zone.

Bono (r-California) learns that fictitious mag-lev train from L.A. to Las Vegas isn't in stimulus plan
See what actually reading something can do for you!

Cuntler: NYT editors should have been 'executed for treason' for revealing shrub/cabal's illegal spying on Americans
No, they are American Heroes, it is her and her fellow troglodytes that should be facing a noose or a firing squad.

New York Times' billionaire columnist Thomas Friedman is frequently wrong
Quite frequently in fact.

Guest host for Disney's Savage suggests Obama kept Blackberry to communicate with "domestic terrorist" Bill Ayers
Fantasyland - what a wasteland of morons and imbeciles.

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