Friday, March 13, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Democrats in Congress introduce vital protections for workers; corporate America responds with a Big Lie
Are we surprised by any of this?!

Former Congressman Santorum (r-Pennsylvania) says he believes "the fundamentals of American economy is still strong"
This is why that term 'former' is being used here.

In 2006 interview, CNBC's Cramer admitted illegal market manipulations
Again, are we surprised?!

shrub White House voicebox Fleischer is still lying that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11
Nine and/or eleven what? Dancing girls!

Fleischer: How dare you say 9/11 happened on the shrub's watch!
Typical, the truth hurts'em.

Dimbulb's website claims of Obama: "His education plan is Maoist ... and he is otherwise a Bolshevik. ... [H]e would be a Stalinist if he thought he could get away with it"
Hasn't this extremely large waste of humanity had his 5 seconds, yet?

Washington Post's Marcus blithely roots against due process, Constitutional protections
Feudal as ever.

Washington Post's Ignatius makes stuff up stuff out of his ass
Dman how much space is up this guy's ass anyway?

Alaska Governor Palin campaigned as an anti-earmark crusader, but the just-passed omnibus spending bill contains several earmarks she sought
Of course there is, did we expect anything different?

Faux's Handjob misquotes Obama to falsely accuse him of breaking promise
Him speak with forked tongue as always.

Faux's Brick says people 'pushed to the wall' by 'political correctness' may turn into psycho killers
Foretelling his near future actions, I see.

Faux's Handjob suggests christianity compatible with torture
Got to give him points here the most and the most deviant torture the world has ever seen has been under the name of christianity.

Faux's Handjob misrepresents source of editorial to claim that "liberal media" outlet claimed Obama has "embarrassed America"
Him speak out of hole in head.

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