Monday, March 23, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Boner (r-Ohio) lies saying that Obama allowed AIG bonuses by signing stimulus bill
Bonehead, his name is Bonehead, people - that should tell you something.

Jindal (r-Louisiana) wants "Intelligent Design" taught with evolution in science classes
Further proving what a pitiful, sad, pathetic cartoon character he really is.

repugicans complaining loudest about AIG bonuses opposed all forms of executive compensation limits
Mouth the words, vote the opposite - typical repugicans.

McPain (r-Arizona) says Obama's budget is a "risky, debt-ridden threat to the nation"
Like we're listening to McPain.

Celebrating six-year anniversary of attack on Iraq, Rice reiterates lie that the shrub/cabal junta never tried to link Saddam Hussein with 9/11
Oh, no, she didn't! How many links are there on the web to the fact that they did just that ... millions, tens of millions ...

Palin (r-Alaska) rejects stimulus funding for disadvantaged and special needs students
Typical repugican ... wanna bet there is a new jacuzzi in the Palin's back yard though.

Sanford (r) explains his rationale, wrongly, for rejecting $700-million in stimulus for South Carolina
This guy is a complete and total idiot, enough said.

Joe the Plumber (who's not a plumber) tells conservatives: "I'm horny"
You're also, dumb, ugly and ...

CNN's Whitfield advances false repugican claim that recovery bill created right for AIG to pay bonuses
Hey, Whitfield, your lobotomy results are in - and it doesn't look good.

On MSNBC, Carlson rewrites history to blame Frank for mortgage crisis
This is just too stupid for further comment.

CNBC's Cramer resurfaces and calls Comedy Central's Stewart naïve and misleading
This from a complete idiot - just who is misleading who, again?

CNBC's Haines says "you can't really... expect that these Wall Street companies are going to be run well by a bunch of people who don't make more than $250,000"
I can and I do, expect Wall Street companies to be run by someone making less than $250K.

L.A. Times' Malcolm falsely claims that press was barred from press award ceremony
maybe only Malcolm was barred - chew on that a while.

L.A. Times' Malcolm mocks the unemployed
This from someone who shall as he mocked shortly?!

Wall Street Journal's McGurn smears Michelle Obama
Beware the wrath, McGurn, beware the wrath.

Ingraham to immigration activist: "La-la-la-la-la I can't hear you"
The fingers in the ears shtick didn't work on the recess playground, either.

Dimbulb claims "not one repugican voted for the TARP bailout"
He's wrong of course, but what else is new?!

Dimbulb on response to AIG: "We now have mob rule the way it started in Nazi Germany"
No, we got rid of 'mob rule' when we elected a true president and he took office

Dimbulb says it's "popular myth that McCarthy falsely accused people of things"
No myth to it, McCarthy never truthfully accused anyone of anything everyone of his 'accusations' was a bold faced lie

Goldberg says dictionaries have a 'liberal' bias
Yes, just like the 'media' has a liberal bias - Reality, that is what has a 'liberal' bias.

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