Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools:
The Faux Lies Edition

Who is crazier -- Faux's Brick vs. Fox's O'Really
Damn, that's a hard one!

Faux's Brick says Obama, Democrats are vampires "going after the blood of our businesses," suggests "driving a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers"
An unstable mind that has seen one too many bad "B" movies.

Faux's Handjob lies claiming Obama has proposed UK-style nationalized health care
Lies, lies, lies

Faux's Handjob and discredited guest hysterically hype terrorism threat from Mexico
Insanity breeds upon itself.

Faux's Handjob on auto bailout: "The administration is on a mission to hijack capitalism in favor of collectivism... The Bolsheviks have already arrived"
Actually they were ousted in the last election, and are crying about it.

Faux's Handjob lies that National Intelligence Director plans to "release ... enemy combatants on American soil"
He means Amerikkkan soil or in reality the skidmarks in his repugican underdrawers

Handjob propaganda asks if Obama budget is "a way for the government to completely control our lives"
Like the Handjob propaganda machine, huh?

Faux's Handjob repeats lie that 61 former Guantanamo prisoners have "gone back to the battlefield"
Hey, it's Handjob, what do expect?

Faux's Henneberg lies claiming "reconciliation was last used in 2001"
Another day, another lie.

After UPS pulls advertising from O'Really Factor, O'Really advises Big Brown to "wise up"
They already did, numb-nuts.

Faux's O'Really identifies 'the far left blogs' as his #1 enemy
Actually, there his betters.

After Spanish court begins proceedings against shrub/cabal officials over torture, Faux's O'Really says he's boycotting Spain
Oh, I think Spain is in trouble now! Not!

Faux analysts: Obama is manipulating the liberal press in a 'historic' way
One last time ... there is no such thing as the 'liberal press' ... lying about it does not make it so.

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