Friday, March 27, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Bachmann (r-wing-nut lunatic) proposes legislation to "ensure that the US dollar remain the currency of the United States"
Somebody, please give her a vibrator!

Barton (r-Texas) proposes shade as remedy for global climate change
The boy's a bit tetched (touched) in the head.

Gregg (r-New Hampshire) spreads small-business tax lie on CNBC
Lying as usual

Gingrich warns that Obama's financial regulation plan will create a 'dictatorship'
Wrong, we overthrew the 'dictatorship' in November of last year.

CNBC's Cramer-Klown calls Cuomo a "genuine Communist"
The clown made a funny.

Wing-nut media run with dubious SkyNews claim of Obama "teleprompt blunder"
Holy, Shit Batman, the world is ending ... ok, so the wing-nuts drove the world to the breaking point ... but a gaffe in reading a teleprompter - one that may not have happened anyway - give me a break!

Dimbulb says statistic that 1 of 50 American children are homeless is "bogus"
That number is not bogus. More likely low but not bogus, and with the economy in the crapper due the dimbulbb's buddies that number will rise!

Disney's Savage: A "progressive is, basically a pervert covering it up with liberal politics"
Nope, a pervert is a repugican, neo-con, wing-nut, ditto-head, NAZI, Marxist, Fascist or whatever name you choose to use when referring to the like's of Savage and his ilk.

On Disney's Savage, Washington Times columnist Kuhner declares: "The pill and the condom have been the hammer and sickle of cultural Marxism, and in its path, it is now destroying American culture"
This from a die-in-the-wool Marxist is too rich.

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