Friday, March 20, 2009

Mad over bonuses?

Mad over bonuses? Then read this from DDay over @ Digby's Digs:
"The sense of entitlement to a system that rewards them regardless and shovels massive amounts of money and power in their direction. heck, we learned today that 13 bailed-out companies owe $220 million in back taxes and lied to congress about it. Of course they did. that's the system they've created - protections for their corporate bottom line, riches for them personally, crumbs for everyone else. Reaganomics basically set this in motion 30 years ago, and the system has been in place for so long that any alternative path is like the true forms on the outside of the cave instead of the shadows on the inside we think represent reality. But the public knows intuitively that they've been getting a raw deal for decades, and the bonuses are only a small part of the story."
He explains that nagging irritation you have been feeling in your posterior for years quite well.

The whole piece is well worth the read.

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