Thursday, March 19, 2009

The majority of takedown notices are bogus

Google has filed a submission with the New Zealand government in response to the new law there, which compels ISPs to terminate your Internet connection if you're accused of copyright infringement three times.

In its submission, Google relays its experience with "notice and takedown," which allows anyone to censor web-pages merely by asserting that they infringe copyright - in which they note that this process is routinely abused.

Some of the numbers they provide are:
That more than half (57%) of the takedown notices it has received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998, were sent by business targeting competitors and over one third (37%) of notices were not valid copyright claims.
94% of the claims are bogus in other words. Why doesn't this surprise me?

What did the governments of the world expect when they were conned by the entertainment industry to allow notice-and-takedown?
That if you created a free, easy, virtually consequence-free means for censoring the Internet, that it wouldn't be abused?

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