Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The "N" word

Alistair Mac Duff knows it and loves it ...

Mac Duff for those that do not know is my wife's Jack Russell terrier who is as smart as a whip. He understands every word spoken around him in several human languages (I am apt to use several languages depending on which I am thinking in at the time I am speaking, much to the Mrs., frustration at times - she only know English) and 'dog' speech.

'Dog' speech is the language my wife and Mac Duff have developed so they can communicate which consists of vocals from the wife and gestures from Mac Duff. Mainly repeat sounds such as "E-E" for eat and 'Wah-Wah' for water. For his part he will turn his bowls over or push them to your feet when he is hungry or thirsty.

Just don't say 'Go' or 'Outside' any time Mac Duff is around unless you want a Jack Russell bouncing off every wall (including the ceiling, it seems) and every piece of furniture and leaping for the doorknob.

Back to the "N" word. And that word would be snuggle dropping the 's' to say it 'nuggle'. Last night Mac Duff was up in his mother's arms eyes rolled back in his head getting his belly rubbed, in short in dog heaven ... well, I being the mischievous one I am, I whispered the "N" word.

Before the word faded in the ear Mac Duff was out of his mother's arms down the hallway and quivering in anticipation in the middle of the king-sized Rice bed of getting to curl up in either his daddy's or mommy's arms on the 'big bed'. Greased lightning has nothing on Mac Duff, in fact if it were a race between the two, lightning would come in a very, very poor second.

Now, my Black Labradors, Seamus 'Thunder' Mac Lesh and Angus 'Doogie' Mac Dougall are just as smart, they just have a 'whatever' outlook on life and thusly move slower except when there is any n'er-do-wells afoot - then my 'great lovers' turn into the 'hounds from hell'. But that is another story.

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