Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Repugican MADness

If you've ever harbored any doubt that repugicans are not a heartless, soulless pack of dastardly vicious perverted bastards, then there is no need to harbor it any longer.

Here is a report dated March 17, 2009 from Progress Report that wipes any doubts from anyone's mind that they may have secretly (or not so secretly) held regarding repugicans:

RADICAL RIGHT -- CONSERVATIVES SUGGEST DEATH FOR AIG EXECS SET TO RECEIVE BONUSES: Politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle have expressed outrage at the recent news that bailed-out insurance giant AIG will be paying $165 million in bonuses to same executives that "brought the company to the brink of collapse." President Obama and members of Congress are trying to figure out a way to revoke the bonuses, while others have called for top executives to be fired. While conservatives have joined in the mass discontent with AIG, some are taking their anger a bit too far. Yesterday on a local Iowa radio show, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) suggested that AIG executives consider committing suicide.

While having those responsible for the world economic collapse held accountable, suggesting suicide if way outside the lines. It is just grandstanding and all part of the dog and pony show that is the repugicans. It is also not 'like the Japanese do' - having those responsible commit ritual suicide - as one Japanese blogger points out ... when someone in Japan feels that they can not live with the 'shame' of whatever it was they failed at then they commit suicide. This same blogger further points out that the AIG executives are and have been behaving shamelessly therefore their commiting suicide would not be the same (and since they are shameless, they would be too chickenshit to do it anyway).

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