Monday, March 23, 2009

Salami, Salami, Baloney

A Romanian man eating a salami sausage was shocked to find a dead mouse inside.

Jimmy "The Mouse" Hoffa turns up in salami

Extra! Extra! Jimmy "The Mouse" Hoffa turns up in salami

Nelu Luca of Iasi said last week the vacuum-packed salami looked fine from the outside, according to Ananova. It wasn’t until he had eaten nearly half of the salami when he spotted the mouse in the middle.

Salami manufacture Tabco Campofrio Romani could face fines up to $1,500 for the dead rodent. Samples were taken from the salami and mouse to test for health risks.

Company manager Ovidiu Wencz claimed someone sabotaged the meat mixture by deliberately throwing in the mouse.

Wencz said screws and nuts also have been found in their salamis in the past, but the problem was solved when they installed magnets to retrieve the metal pieces from the salami mixture.

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