Monday, March 2, 2009

Teen girl beaten by sheriff's deputy

I wonder why ...

For some reason, the King County Sheriff's department tried to block the release of this video showing Officer Friendly beating up a 15-year-old girl.
"We had argued strenuously that the videotape released to the media this morning not be released because it does not tell the whole story of the incident," attorney Anne Bremner said in a statement.

"As we argued to the judge, it will inflame public opinion and will severely impact the deputy's right to a fair trial."

The video shows Schene and Brunner as they escorted the girl into the holding cell. Schene had asked her to remove her basketball shoes, and, as she slipped out of her left shoe, she appeared to kick it at Schene.

Schene then lunged through the door and kicked her, striking either her stomach or upper thigh area, court documents say. He pushed her against a corner wall before flinging her to the floor by her hair. He then squatted down on her and made "two overhead strikes," although it's unclear where the blows landed.

Beating caught on police video: Tape shows officer kicking, striking teenager.

Of course they don't want a tape of them committing a crime to be made public!

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