Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Whacky Burgers

And now for your artery clogging post of the day ...

At the burger blog A Hamburger Today, they have come across some pretty whacked-out burgers.

Here are 10 of their favorites.

The Fatty Melt

1. Nut Burger: Famous at Matt's Place in Butte, Montana, the nut burger involves a layer of coarsely ground peanuts mixed with mayo. It's kind of like a peanut butter sundae just hanging out on top of a patty.

2. BadaBoomz Donut Burger: A bacon cheeseburger on a glazed donut "bun" available at the BadaBoomz Ale House and Grill in Indianapolis, Indiana. Save time by combining your favorite breakfast and lunch! And feel awesome/nauseous after!

3. Megadeath Burger: For health reasons, you have to be over 18 to order this, and can't have heart problems, anxiety, or asthma. Available at Wall Diner in Wellington Point, Australia, the "world's hottest hamburger" contains chili jam, chili powder, jalapenos, and habaƱero sauce -- all in quantities any sane person would not voluntarily eat.

4. Venezuelan "La Diabla" Burger: No wonder it's translated as "the devilish." Sold from a street cart in Caracas, Venezuela, this one layers: ketchup, mayo, mustard, onions, cabbage, shoestring potatoes, more ketchup, mayo and mustard, avocado, tomato, burger patty, chorizo, chicken, eggs and bacon, and a mountain of shredded Roquefort cheese.

5. Parisian Pizza Burger: The name might be confusing, but it's not a burger-topped pizza or a burger made with pizza toppings. (Both natural conclusions.) It's a burger with mini-pizzas for buns available at Buzz Lightyear's Pizza Planet at Disneyland Paris.

6. Jucy Lucy: Seven ounces of burger with a molten core of cheesy ooze. That would be American cheese ooze, because "only those orange squares of vaguely plastic texture will achieve proper fluidity," as burger writer John T. Edge put it. The alleged home of the J-Luce is Matt's Bar in Minneapolis.

7. Cheeseburger in a Can: Have you ever thought about how perfectly can-shaped a burger is? Or burger-shaped a can is? This product is marketed to German campers.

8. Scottish Deep-Fried Cheeseburger: Because the Scots have been known to fry anything (candy bars, pizza, etc.) two discs of frozen meat with processed cheese get deep-fried. No bun involved because what nutritional value do buns really offer?

9. Bacon Cheeseburger, Literally: It might look fairly ordinary, but this patty is not made of ground chuck or sirloin -- or any kind of ground beef. Ground bacon, kids. Throw on some slices of pepper Jack cheese for good measure.

10. Fatty Melt: This was a DIY project by a curious Serious Eats editor in the food website's Manhattan office. It's a burger with two grilled cheeses for buns. Yes, you read that correctly. Now go forth and make one.

For quick dinners you can make at home, try one of these Burgers for Everyone.

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