Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yet Another Coal Ash Spill, This Time in Luke, Maryland (Upriver of Washington DC!)

From TreeHugger:

luke maryland coal ash spill image
Image: Google

After 3 Times It's Officially a Trend, Right?

Good thing that the EPA is getting more serious about keeping an eye on coal ash, because it sure doesn't seem like the current system is working. Just in the past few months we reported two big spills: 2.6 Million Cubic Yards of Toxic Coal Ash Slurry Released in Tennessee Dike Burst and What the Heck? Second Coal Ash Spill, this Time in Alabama. Now there's a third in Luke, MD, upriver of Washington DC (maybe politicians will take notice now?).

Article continues: Yet Another Coal Ash Spill, This Time in Luke, Maryland (Upriver of Washington DC!)

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