Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dimbulb Spews

Talk about Liars ...

Dimbulb claims "Anti-Americanism is now policy" at the White House
No, that was the past eight years, you idiot.

For Earth Day, Dimbulb plans to "personally" oversee destruction of two acres of rainforest
With his fat ass blocking the sun we'll be lucky if it's only two acres.

Dimbulb repeats long-debunked lie that Obama "supports infanticide"
He keeps lying and lying and lying and lying and ...

Dimbulb lies that the left wants "mass euthanasia"
Only if he and his fellow sewers are among the first to go.

Dimbulb: Obama "has just as much disregard for the men and women of the United States military as every other liberal"
Considering the military itself is overwhelmingly 'Liberal' I guess we have(had) much disregard for ourselves - not in any lifetime - Lush ... you however ...

Dimbulb sub on SCOTUS cameras: People could see when "Kennedy goes wacky or Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you know, invokes foreign law or they start making up stuff"
Anyone else able to understand Vally-girl speak? If so please translate this into a coherent human language for the rest of us.

Dimbulb sub calls Energy Secretary's climate change remarks "shameful" and "science fiction"
This from one of the most shameful wastes of carbon there has ever been is too much. He is just pure fiction - no science anywhere near him.

Dimbulb sub: White House is "socialist-leaning," "Marxist-resembling"
Lessons in the meaning of words and of what exactly is Socialism and Marxism (which are not the same BTW) will be given this Saturday @ 5am sharp! Do not be late!

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