Wednesday, April 1, 2009

G-20 protesters break into Royal Bank of Scotland

Raw Video: Protests in London ahead of summit
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Raw Video: Protests in London ahead of summit

Police control protesters outside the Bank of England, during the G20 protests
Police control protesters outside the Bank of England, during the G20 protests in the center of London.

G-20 protesters clashed with riot police in downtown London on Wednesday, breaking into the heavily guarded Royal Bank of Scotland and smashing its windows. Earlier, they tried to storm the Bank of England and pelted police with eggs and fruit.

At least 4,000 anarchists, anti-capitalists, environmentalists and others jammed into London's financial district for what they called "Financial Fool's Day." The protests were called ahead of Thursday's summit of world leaders, who hope to take concrete steps to resolve the global financial crisis that has lashed nations and workers worldwide.

Read the rest here.

Leave the Scots bank alone, the English one, well ..

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