Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Liars and Fools

The Liars and Fools of the day include:

There is an orchestrated wing-nut smear plot attacks Obama nominee Koh
Ah, standard operating procedure, I see.

On tour to oppose EFCA, Joe (who ain't a plumber) admits he knows "little" about EFCA, and gets jeered by workers
If they could have gotten closer to him 'jeering' was not all he would have gotten.

Dimbulb continues myths that Community Reinvestment Act and Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) responsible for mortgage crisis
In other words investing in neighborhoods (read: nigger hoods) and homosexuals and not the wanton greed and avarice of the financial whores are responsible for the fiasco wrought by those self same financial whores. Now, I get it.

Dimbulb adds comment about "anal poisoning" to long litany of ass-cracks
He should know, he's 'poisoned' many a young boy's anus in Central America

North compares expansion of AmeriCorps program to Nazism and Stalinism, "free enterprise" to Julius Caesar
Somebody needs a lesson in both cultural governing systems and history, badly!

Politico gets the facts and slant wrong on Coleman-Franken recount in Minnesota
And this is news, how?

NewsMax's Reagan makes baseless claim, hurls Nazi smear
When will the Nazis' learn not to call others Nazis in the hopes you won't see them for what they truly are?

Arch-right RedState website urges violence against elected government officials
Criminal and Seditious - Criminal and Seditious

Disney's Savage: "We have a naked Marxist for president"
Again, somebody needs a lesson on cultural governing systems, in the worst way.

Disney's Savage prays that "Obamas don't take down the pictures of Lincoln and such and replace them with, you know, Malcolm X"
Damn, Fantasyland must be an awful place.

Disney's Savage on Iowa Supreme Court gay marriage ruling: A "victory for perversion"
One pervert calling someone else a pervert - now, that, is too rich!

Democrats are godless Nazis, says World Net Daily
Actually, the repugican party here in the USA is what the Nazi party in Germany was modeled after ... cultural governing systems and history lessons will begin promptly at 5am sharp!

Bachmann's (batshit loon-Minnesota) amendment against non-existent plot to replace dollar gains support
From China of all places.

Bachmann (stark mad raving lunatic-Minnesota) fears the Obama administration will create "re-education camps for young people"
Education and learning is what we will be providing. Indoctorination and warping and perverting young minds is over.

Huckabee (nutjob-Arkansas) says to "let the air out of [Democrats'] tires and do not let them out of their driveway on election day"
Typical - trying to supress the vote in all way they can because they'd never be able to steal an election if just one quarter of the registerd Democrats came out to vote on any election day (that's not counting other sane Americans who would vote for real issues and not demogouary).

King (r-Iowa) foretells plague of gay marriages
Doubtful, there just aren't that many people in Iowa, so it stands to reason there aren't that many gay people, either.

repugicans on the House Budget Committee present made-up stats and graphs
Which they pulled out of their collective arses during the restroom break ... in the restroom.

Weeks after clearing up mis-interpretations of MIT research, repugican officials are still citing the falsehoods as facts
Ok, so what else is new?

Anti-gay preacher Warren lies and says that he never compared gay marriage to incest and pedophilia
Oh, Really? How many links to you doing just that do you want listed here?

CNBC's Cramer calls Democrats "Bolsheviks" and says "the House ... might as well be Nancy Pelosi's own Politburo"
Damn, his jokes are getting better! The fool thinks he's serious, and that is the best joke of all!

Center for Security Policy's Gaffney claims that Obama is speaking in code
Take off the tin-foil hat, then, and you can understand proper English when it is spoken.

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