Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Radio host Bennett and columnist Kristol repeat lie of Obama "budget cuts"
And, what else is new?

Bozell's Media Research Center: Telling full truth about tea parties = discrediting it
Yep, it sure does.

Bozell's Media Research Center complains only about sexism toward conservative women
That's right only wing-nut women are treated thus ...now I get it!

Bozell's Newsbusters obfuscates Pittsburgh cop-killer's right-wing connections
Obfuscate isn't the word I'd use ... Whitewashes them is more apt.

In O'Really type rant, Miller claims "the average American taxpayer feels like they've just been shot in the head in a deck chair on a sinking boat"
If only ... (sorry, a pleasant thought of Miller, a bullet and a sinking boat flashed across my mind) ... acutally, the 'average' American feels pretty good about things considering.

FBN's Payne repeats lie of Obama "defense cuts"
New Math! Where addition is subtraction!

The Dimbulb Files:

In the aftermath of pirate drama, Limbulb defends the pirates
Oh, How he HATES America and Americans.

Dimbulb lies: Claims DHS report called "every mainstream conservative a right-wing extremist"
Wrong as usual, he is.

Dimbulb: Obama and Napolitano "are extreme partisan radicals and they're ready to go to war with a domestic enemy -- conservatives -- that they consider to be a greater threat than Iran, than China, than North Korea"
Nope, just the domestic terrorists like Dimbulb and his ilk.

Dimbulb's proof that torture works: McPain was 'broken by the North Vietnamese'
McPain, was 'broken' before the Vietnamese ever got to him - he was just a craven coward and still is.

Back to our regular Liars and Fools:

North gets facts all wrong in heated over-reaction to DHS report
And we are surprised, how?

Politico casually grants right-wingers anonymity for sniping at Obama administration
Considering they are a propaganda arm for the neocons - this is news?

Robertson: DHS official behind extremism report must be someone whose 'sexual orientation ... is in question'
As one of the biggest 'sexual orientation is in question' people, Robertson should be talking ... but he does and out of his ass when he does.

The Wonderful World of 'Disney' Savagely:

Disney's Savage sues DHS over rightwing extremism report
Typical, trying to cover up the truth.

Disney's Savage says "rogue homosexual elements within Homeland Security are engaging in extra-constitutional activity"
Make that 'Rogue Homophobic Elements' and you might have something.

Disney's calls CNN reporter "a self-hating white woman, who couldn't get a job as a hooker"
Thus, revealing his inner most desire - that of becoming a 'Hooker'.

Disney's Savage says "McCarthy was right; he was just ridiculed to death by the American media"
Wrong, so wrong. McCarthy was a lunatic who did not die soon enough.

Disney's Savage says government is out "to take your" freedom and guns; predicts "a Reichstag fire in this country within one year;" and calls for DHS Chief Napolitano to be replaced by "a real American"
NAZI laying out his plans folks ...

Disney's Savage still claiming Obama a "Muslim" who "went to a Madrasa;" later suggests this is why "Jesus was missing from Obama's speech at Georgetown"
Still can't come to grips with reality, I see.

Ahem, moving on, we have:

MSNBC's Scarborough: Torture opponents want "Washington DC and Los Angeles to be obliterated by a nuclear blitz"
Reached deep up his ass for that one.

MSNBC's Scarborough repeats myth that White House requested Jesus' name be covered up
No request was made and so what if it had been?

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