Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools
The Faux News edition:

Faux's Kilmeade says he "feels better" knowing that Khalid Sheik Mohammad was "waterboarded 183 times"
The he'll really 'feel better' buried up to his eyeballs and his eyelids covered with honey in an ant hill.

Faux's Cavuto has one estimate of "tea bag" crowd off camera, then triples his guess when on the air
Lies is all he knows so I am not surprised.

Faux anchor rants about fascism during tea party coverage
Fascts showing their stripes by calling everyone else fascists , again.

Faux News' Bolling tweets "Obama and Chavez sittin in a tree...K I S S I ...."
You always knew Faux News was juvenile ... well.

Faux's Brick on Perry's call for secession: "His words ring true"
Now there is a vote of confidence if I ever heard one!

A few from Handjob:

Faux's Handjob uses DHS warning about growing right-wing extremism to foment more hatred against Obama
Of course, and who thought he wouldn't?

Faux's Handjob says he has "one serious question": "Is this now a battle between capitalism and socialism?"
That's a bold-faced lie - he never has a serious question.

Faux's Handjob is wrong about DHS report
And this is news?

Faux's Handjob supports Perry's threat of secession
Flakes of a feather flock together.

Faux's secession-sympathizing Handjob attacks Obama's patriotism, suggests he should be investigated by DHS
Speaking with forked tongue - one fork bashing DHS, the other extolling DHS to do his wishes.

Faux's Handjob asks Aluminum (excuse me - Steele) of Obama: "Is there anything that he likes about this country?"
yes, but the things that are actually this country and not the fevered convolutions of fantasyland.

Back to our regular Faux News Wing-nuts:

Faux News defends the shrub's and cabal's use of torture
Again, this is news, how?

Faux Nation headline: "Taliban copies Democrat [sic] playbook"
Considering it is the repugicans who are in lockstep with the Taliban Doctrine, this is hilarious on so many levels.

Faux News military analyst says Obama and Chavez were "fist bumping and making lovey dovey"
Yeah, that and my aching back!

Of course we have O'Really:

Faux and O'Really take 'full credit' for derailing Spanish investigation of American torture
Who said it is derailed? Don't be lulled into thinking you're going to get away with it, boys.

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