Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News Edition

Faux's O'Really claims ACLU, MoveOn, New York Times "couldn't care less about America"
Maybe the Times, but MoveOn and the ALCU are two of the MOST caring about America organizations there are.

Faux's O'Really describes waterboarding as 'Torture, my ass'
Naw, we'll pass you'd enjoy it too much - torturing your ass that is.

Faux's O'Really claims Nixon never met with Mao
Even the other wing-nuts are puzzled by this absurdity.

Faux's Brick implores people to "stop with the lies" that carbon dioxide is a "poison"
Well, it isn't a "poison" if you aren't a Carbon-Based Lifeform - has he let the cat out of the bag?

Faux's Brick "wants to hear from" people who cut down trees to celebrate Earth Day
So do we - then we will know who to have do handstands in pig shit. Oh, wait that won't work they already have pig shit for brains.

Faux's Brick compares Gore's global warming "lies" to "Goebbels or Hitler"
A Nazi 'playing the Nazi card' how original and just as wrong as he has always been

Faux financial columnist claims "Chavez Handshake May Cost US Billions"
Yeah, like we are going to listen to what any Faux 'financial' columnist has to say about anything in the first place.

Faux Nation joins Handjob, Dimbulb, and Geist in claiming Obama "pals around with Chavez"
Hey, I pal around with a guy named Jesus, so what - he cleans the pool.

Faux's Goler reverses meaning of Obama quote to boldface lie that he supports European-style health care
And what if he did? They have better health care than we do.

Faux's Scarborough claims "history will show" that Obama has "made us less safe as a country, especially people who live in Manhattan and Washington, DC"
Inncorrect. We are safer now than we have been in the past eight years and it is simply because Obama is a man - not a tottering, drooling idiot - and a man who can use his brain and meet and learn from others.

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