Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

After stating, "I am not saying that Obama is a fascist," Faux's Brick compares auto bailout to actions of German companies "in the early days of Adolf Hitler"
Cultural governing systems and History classes begin at 5am sharp - be there!

Faux's Brick: "We're not marching to socialism, we're marching toward fascism."
We're marching away from both, but staring at the mirror does distort one's perspective.

Faux's Brick airs photos of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, asks, "Is this where we're headed?"
See, the message above about mirrors.

Faux's Brick claims "we've been on this road" to "fascism" "since Teddy Roosevelt"
Well, almost correct. Actually since Lincoln with little success until raygun and the shrub family because the Roosevelts (and Teddy was a Republican by the way) and the other Democrats saved this nation from Fascism. Just was they are doing today.

Cuntler falls for fake Obama NASCAR story that Dimbulb said no-one would believe
The shrill shrew is as dumb as they come.

Fostering fear, Faux Nation wonders: "Is Obama targeting Catholics?"
Fear mongering, plain and simple.

Faux News is still reporting repugican talking points word-for-word as news
And we are surprised by this, how?!

Faux News ambush crew pursues history professor with false claims -- and is proud of it
Again, are we surprised?!

Faux News joins Randall Terry inspired crusade against Notre Dame and Barack Obama
More fear mongering from the fear masters.

Faux News accuses White House of trying to impose Sharia Law in US
In that case all those at Faux News please line up for your 1000 lashes to be adminstered in a public flogging upon your nude bodies.

Faux News falsely claims Obama budget "4 times bigger than the shrub's costliest plan"
It has got to be that 'new math' they have been talking about since the 1970s that they're using because in the good old math I learned that is not how the numbers add up - not even close.

Faux News pushes false claims that estate tax would harm family farms and small businesses
It won't hurt mine and I am one of those 97% of Americans getting a tax break (you'd think I would have liked the shrub, but I have a working brain and I am not in the top 1% anyway, so fat lot of good it would have done me to like the asshole anyway). Now if that tax break was for 99% of Americans then I'd be getting a break ...

Interviewing Coleman (r-Minnesota), Faux & Friends repeatedly gets it wrong
Surprise, surprise ... Faux gets it wrong! Not really, I was just joking about the surprise thing.

Faux News cuts 15 seconds from ad critical of Rove, then 'analyzes' what's left
Deception most foul, or typical Faux News 'anal -izing' to put it plainly.

Faux's Handjob: Obama "harbors deep resentment" of America, just like Dixie Chicks
How do America Haters like Handjob get off saying Patriots are not patriots? Strange way to get their jollies, isn't it?

Faux's Handjob truncates Obama quote to claim it was an example of "blame America first"
Another typical deception - only use part of a citation ... the part that makes you point or you think it does. Especially when the entire citation blows you and your postion out of the water.

Faux's Handjob lies saying Obama "seemingly apologized for our engagement in the war on terror"
See the message above about partial citations. Sheeesh.

While discussing whether media is "anti-religion," Faux's O'Really claims media does not target Muslims "because they might get their house blown up"
Watch it O'Really your bigotry, hatred and paranoia are shining through and burning our eyes.

Faux's O'Really says Obama is selling us out to 'one world government'
Actually he is retreiving us from the 'one world government' - getting rid of Waggoner and those that will follow is crumbling the evil shrub empire and shadow world government through hyper-inflated bogus finanical institutions and multi-national corporations.

Faux's Varney: Europeans hated the shrub because they're "pacifist pagans" who "hate practicing overt Christians"
With what 'practicing overt christians' did to Pacifist Pagans in Europe in the past - what do you think they would feel toward one of those 'practicing overt christians' today anyway ... all warm and cuddly. Fantasyland must be hemorrhaging (or is that hemorrhoiding) with all the stuff these nutcases like Varney are sniffing. It must be cut with Phosphate laden detergent as well.

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