Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools
The "Give me a break" edition:

"National Organization for Marriage" launches multi-million dollar ad campaign using actors to push lies claiming that marriage equality threatens personal freedoms
And bad actors at that!

"Morality in Media" claims there is connection between same-sex marriage and mass murder
No there isn't, but recent mass murders have shown a connection between "morality" pushers and mass murder.

Wing-nuts attack 'wealthy homosexual activists' for pushing the 'tyranny' of marriage equality
I see the situation in La La Land is normal. SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fowled Up (yeah, I know I could have used another acronym in place of the 'F' but the original from the 1940s works just as well)

Bolton, Kristol, Handjob, Dobbs hysterical over Obama's 'not at war with Islam' remarks
We are not at war with islam - the cabal was - but we are not, so no problem except in the degenerate minds of the four blowhards mentioned.

After smearing Obama, Dobbs, O'Really, Rove and Scarborough call him polarizing
The lunatic fringe is so far gone everyone else is 'polarizing' to them.

Aide to Inhofe (retard-Oklahoma) launches new global warming denial website
And this is new, how?

Wing-nuts in the media suggest Obama supports one-world government
No, that was the shrub and the cabal.

Wing-nuts warn of social-fasc- commun-Nazi-McCarthy-Marxism
And I am the Easter Bunny - now if you believe any of this I have some land about 10 miles east of Miami I am looking to sell cheap ...

Ultra wing-nut writer wants repugicans to acquire a second TV network in addition to Faux News
May the Gods spare us!

Dimbulb calls global warming a "hoax," claims world is "cooling"
Is he shutting his mouth, then? The world is warming and his hot air is contributing to that warming.

Dimbulb says Iowa ruling on gay marriage is evidence of "the values of a dictatorship"
In reality it is evidence of his syphilis taking its toll.

Dimbulb: "The Mullahs and Putin and Medvedev and Hu Jintao in China celebrated the day Obama got elected" because they know liberals believe old Soviet propaganda
Nope, only wing-nuts believe that old claptrap. Liberals didn't believe the horse-hockey coming from the Soviets back in the day when 'old' Soviet propaganda was new!

Dimbulb: Obama is Neville Chamberlain
Thus proving yet again what a stupid ass he really is.

In spewing about immigration, Dimbulb claims "Democrat Party way is to destroy the US culture in order to get votes"
Actually that's the repugican way of stealing votes.

Dimbulb says homeless veterans are "another myth"
There are a few hundred of those "myths" here in this town that would like to differ.

Dimbulb blames Gore for woman being mauled by polar bear after jumping into animal's enclosure at zoo
It's the syphilis again, I tell you.

Dimbulb roots against US Navy in pirate standoff
Ok, as a Marine even I wouldn't root for the Navy most of the time, but ...

Morris: "Those crazies in Montana who say, 'We're going to kill ATF agents because the UN's going to take over' -- well, they're beginning to have a case"
Wing-nuts over the edge!

To NewsMax, Obama's White House Easter egg hunt is "a pagan ceremony"
Technically it is a modern adaptaion of a pagan ceremony that was co-opted into the christian pantheon a ways back - nothing new here.

At least half a dozen times, Faux's O'Reilly has falsely stated as fact that Abu Zubaydah's torture worked
Torture has never worked and never will. Eventually you will 'get' what you want because the tortured will figure out how to end their torture - but it is never what you 'need'.

Prager thinks gay marriage is a bigger threat than a bad economy
Again with the new math - you know the one that uses no numbers!

Disney's Savage on Iowa same-sex marriage decision: "a victory for perversion"
This from a pervert, how refreshing ...

MSNBC's Scarborough lies about Obama: 'We have a President who has never received a paycheck'
Then somebody owes him an awlful lot of money.

MSNBC's Scarborough repeats lie about Obama's "pledge of bipartisanship"
Lies, Lies, Lies - wait that's a Thompson Twins song - sorry, had a flashback there.

Moonie-run Washington Times editor says Obama 'threw Christianity under the bus'
And this is a bad thing? He didn't, but again - is it a bad thing?

Washington Times warns readers Pelosi will "try to confiscate" guns
Speaking from the stance of a total lack of evidence (and since it's untrue they never will have any), the Times once again pulls things out of their ass.

World Net Daily: Obama's dystopian, socialist, tyrannical agenda has only just begun
Ok, really people - the National Enquirer is a better journalistic outlet than these wackjobs.
Heck, my great granddaughter's diaper deposits are a better journalistic outlet than these wackos.

World Net Daily is still pushing lies about Obama's birth certificate
See the note above, thank you.

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