Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Need a new Job or a Job for that matter?

Bill Farrand, the longstanding "wolfman" of Clark's Trading Post in Lincoln, NH, is retiring after fifteen years.

The company needs to find a new 'wolfman' to scream from the woods at passing steam trains for 48 hours a week:

The new Wolfie, as he is affectionately known, must be over 18, be willing to grow a beard and eschew soap, and work up to 48 hours a week for $12 an hour.

The Wolfman, for the uninitiated, is one of Clark's Trading Posts most unique attractions, aside from, of course, the trained bear shows, which celebrate their 60th anniversary this summer.

During the daily steam train rides aboard the White Mountain Central Railroad, it's the Wolfman's job to scare the beejeebees out of the passengers, whom he believes are trying to jump his precious Unobtainium claim. He bursts out of the woods driving an ancient automobile, sets off firecrackers and yells at passengers to go home.

On the return journey, passengers have learned that to send the Wolfman back into the woods, they have to shout back "Scram you old goat!"

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