Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nutz and Putz

Wing Nut: Nutz and Putz

Perry (r-Texas) threatens secession from The Union
Nutcase ...

DeLay (retarded r-Texas) defends Perry's talk of Texas sovereignty, secession
Convicted Felon ...

Paul (r-Texas) defends Texas secession as "very much an American principle"
Lunatic ...

House repugicans bring strange theories and wacky witnesses to climate hearings
It's a dog and pony show every time designed to throw the masses off their scent.

Bachmann (r-Minnesota) falsely claims that Muslim leaders detained in Minnesota in 2006 were on their way to victory party for Ellison (D-Minnesota)
Ok, so I believe nothing this Harpie shrieks

Boehner (r-Ohio) says cow farts prove CO2 doesn't cause climate change
Since he has 'cow farts' for brains ...

Burr (r-North Carolina) says his first response to economic crisis was to tell his wife to withdraw all the cash she possibly could from their local bank
Hell that's news - I didn't know Burr could use a telephone ... those 'special ed' classes might be working after all.

Coburn (r-Oklahoma) says Atty Gen Holder "doesn't believe in 2nd Amendment"
Which one the actual one or the NRA's fantasy one?

Du Pont (retarded r-Delaware) claims Obama's 95% cap-and-dividend plan is 'opposite' of 100% cap and dividend
Someone dos not know the meaning of the word 'opposite' ...

Ensign (r-Nevada), Gingrich (retarded r-Georgia), other repugicans seriously say Obama shouldn't have shaken the hand of Venezuelan President Chavez
So, being polite and courteous is out of vogue, now?

Former House Speaker Gingrich (retarded r-Georgia) charges Democrats with "breaking down traditional marriage"
I guess being married THREE times makes him an expert on 'traditional marriage'.

Latta (r-Ohio) says that Obama "has declared war on Ohio and Indiana"
Only in Latta's fevered mind ... only in the fevered mind of a nitwit.

Perry (r-Texas) says he's "proud" to be on Glenn Beck's television program
Two bricks ... no wonder one likes the other.

Reagan speechwriter Noonan regrets release of torture memos: "Some of life has to be mysterious"

After calling waterboarding torture in December, Wall Street Journal's Rivkin pens op-ed defending its use
And, what else is new?

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