Monday, April 27, 2009

Who's Naeve?

Good question, but the answer will surprise the one asking.

Skippy over at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo posted this commentary on one of the reasons why we do not take the repugicans, neocons, and other assorted mindless wing-nuts seriously:
In response to a Ben smith Politico piece titled in GOP Base, a 'rebellion brewing', an apparently-conservative commentator warns the rest of us:

Just last week Obama and his loyal media told us that the Democrats, Socialists and loyal illiterates were totally discouraging the pathetic right. Obama did not even notice that he recieved tons of tea bags nor did the media report on the grass roots. Naeve or blind?

To which a later commentator asks "who's naeve?"

If these people ever learn how to spell, we might be in trouble.

It is not a case of "if' they learn to spell it is a case of them being incapable of learning - to spell or otherwise.

Notice the illiterate whack-job who posted the incoherent rant Skippy cited accused others of being illiterate in typical repugican fashion (and, yes, I am spelling repugican correctly), of accusing everyone else of their own foibles while displaying his illiteracy for the world to see in vivid detail.

Yes, the question is ... who is truly naive?

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